10 Things I Like About Myself

3 min readApr 9, 2020

This is an exercise in self-love, assigned by my therapist.

I’ve been struggling with self-esteem. I’ve always had this creeping feeling in the back of my mind that I’m not good enough, but lately it’s gotten worse.

I’m always comparing myself to the people around me. And that’s especially unforgiving when my high school classmates are building things like Turbotax for bankruptcy, a virtual classroom for tutors, or an NYC contracting marketplace for repairs backed by Village Global. Hell, one friend a couple years ahead of me is a 3-point sharpshooter for the NBA’s Miami Heat.

Meanwhile, things have oscillated between great and so-so at gathr. I guess that’s how startups are by nature: ups and downs. I’ve been tying my happiness to our startup success, and it’s unhealthy. Startups are too uncertain and variable to be the port at which I anchor my happiness. It’s just not healthy.

So with all of that variability in mind, here are 10 things that I love about myself. 10 life constants. My grounding principles.

1. Creative

Whether it’s interface designs, marketing hacks, or legal structure innovation, I take a lot of pride in my creativity. gathr has given me the perfect outlet to do that, maximizing the tools of play I have at my disposal.

2. Happy-go-Lucky

I used to spend a lot of time thinking about things that I had absolutely no control over. Now, I roll with the punches. You can put me in any situation, no matter how dire, and I’ll adjust and figure it out.

3. Squash (the sport, not the vegetable)

Injuries and general ineptitude ended my short stint on the professional squash tour, but I still love the game.

4. Always Learning

The past two years have been insane. I’ve learned how to design and code, market and structure companies. And I’m still driven to keep learning.

5. Dedicated to my Family


6. Dedicated to my Friends

Love All.

7. A Connector

A close friend once wrote this to me on a birthday card: “You’re the one who makes people less lonely.” I’m always thinking about my communities and how to make them more connected, more like family.

8. Committed to Wellness

This is a recent development. All throughout high school and college, I put my mental health on the backburner – when really it’s the prerequisite for any of my life’s endeavors.

9. Resourceful

Ben Horowitz has a quote in his short blog post, The Struggle, that pretty much sums it up. “There is always a move.” It doesn’t matter how impossible things seem. There is always another move to make.

10. Gritty

I could collapse this into the previous one, but it’s the fuel behind the fire. I never give up. Even when the chips are down. That’s where I do my best work.




I’m trying to de-stigmatize mental health. Chief Gathring Officer @ gathr, a magical.app